Friday, June 21, 2019

2019 World Vitiligo Day Conference - Houston "WELCOME"

A mosaic is a surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form art. I see my body this way, as a work of art consisting of variously colored, or in our (The Vitiligo Community) case, colorless spots. The many shades of us are beautiful!

It's the World Vitiligo Day Conference weekend. Welcome to Houston, WVD family!! Express, embrace, and honor the many patterns of our multicolored selves!!!


fall94 said...

Awesome!!!! Love you sis!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful as always.Much love beautiful always.

Mosaic L said...

Love you!!! Thank you for your support.

Mosaic L said...

Love to you! Thank you for always being in my corner.