Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Cliche' of Life

Everything happens when it is supposed to, although, it may not feel like it.  Some of us question life, "Why is this happening to me?", "When is my change going to come?"  Others, simply live life, "Whatever happens, happens".  I fall somewhere in the middle of these two philosophies. I do not expect to be able to answer questions like "Why is this happening to me?", at least not while in the midst of going through it.  I believe that everything happens for a reason, and it may take years to learn those reasons. In the same manner, sometimes those lessons are missed because we let our egos get in the way.  We may subconsciously think that we are too good for "this" to be happening to me. Eckhart Tolle made a profound statement in his book, A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. His insight, "This too shall pass".  The message here is enjoy every second of every joy in your life and do not dwell on, but instead attempt to learn from, every trial in your life because good or bad, "This too shall pass".

Vitiligo Point of View
I have a friend that often complains that strangers are always staring at her vitiligo.  My advice, "do not be so quick to jump to conclusions".  Maybe the stranger is admiring your outfit or your hair.  Even if they are staring at your vitiligo, can you wipe it off? - No.  Let them stare, for whatever the reason they stare, just do not allow them "steal your joy"!

Get to the business of living my friends!


Anonymous said...

Hi beautiful,
Wow! You are as beautiful outside as you are on the inside.
I just read you blog. What a powerful message. I alway follow your adive, and I always feel better about my "shortcomings".
Thanks for your positiveness!
Be blessed.
Keep the beautiful, uplifting message coming.

Mosaic L said...

My intent is to do just that, stay positive, especially when I receive such love and support. -Thank you for that!

Cure Herbals said...
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