Monday, November 16, 2009

UPDATE: Not Enjoy Life, That's Not an Option

Last week, I allowed myself to go way beyond my prescribed five minutes a day of negative thinking. In a sense, I needed to purge myself of the negativity I was feeling in that moment. As promised, I worked through it. Now, I'm back and better than ever! Work is still beyond stressful, and life-changes have gotten even bigger (for the better though!), yet I am as calm as I have ever been. What's different, you ask? For me, getting the negativity out brought a new light. Sometimes you have to "put it all out there", even when it's not pretty, so you can get over it.

The universe delivered me an article that summarized how to handle the stress. Most of this we know, but we often just need to see it in print. did an article this week, "How to Savor Your Time". It was all about limiting stress. November 16,2009

The author recommended five things:
1. 9 minutes a day of negative thinking,
2. Create a "what's most important" to-do list
3. Stop wasting time wanting what others have
4. Stop shopping, start simplifying ( I loved this one)
5. Have a good support system (Don't hang around negative people).

My purge was good, but where I went wrong was I did not utilize my support system. Talking to like-minded people, for me that's my close girlfriends, is so important. That message was reiterated to me from some of the feedback I received after the original "Not Enjoy I'm still working on, #3, Stop wasting time wanting what others have. That's a tough one, when everyone around you is one color. My counter to that is I love my healthy, multicolored, mosaic body.

Thank God for a little bit of tribulation, so we can savor what is truly important.


Anonymous said...

Good... I'm glad that you have a process in place to claim the waters.

Mosaic L said...

Yes, we all need a process. As most of us are, I am a work in progress, constantly evolving.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mosaic,
Gee, I am glad to see you feeling better. Thanks for the process of handling stress.Venting is good for the soul. I knew you would bounce back.

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