Monday, August 24, 2009

Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud

YouTube - Say It Loud - James Brown
My success with sun therapy (I talked about that in my Vanilla, Chocolate, Swirl blog) has resulted in a very relevant amount of repigmenting (my skin is turning brown again). My issue is for every new area of brown, there are five new areas of whitening. It appears that I am REpigmenting (gaining color) and DEpigmenting (losing color) simultaneously. As I continue to lose color, I start to ponder the idea that I may indeed turn completely white.

Who cares? I'll be white as in skin color only. Have you seen my features and my hair? Even if complete depigmenting results, I guarantee that I will always be seen as a person of color. To my fellow caucasian vitiligo friends, cherish the fact that vitiligo likely will not cause outsiders to question your heritage. I am and I always will be a "sister". In the words of the "late, great" James Brown...."Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud!" Now you say it, you’re White, Black, Red, Yellow, Brown, or…and you’re proud.


Anonymous said...

Watching the video, made me want to raise my fist and chant along with James Brown. I almost got out of my seat to dance. I agree that no matter your ethnicity, we should all be proud.

Anna Millie said...

There are many medication are available in market for the treatment of vitiligo but these medicine take long time to provide result. Natural Herbal method for Vitiligo Natural Treatment is very useful and helpful without any side effects because these herbal remedies are made with natural herbal ingredients which are very safe for treatment of skin disease.