Sunday, August 9, 2009

Laughter Is Always the Best Medicine

A cliche' that is so true in my life is "Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying". Comedian, Sheryl Underwood on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, Monday August 10, 2009

I am the first to make jokes about my Vitiligo and when I heard Sheryl Underwood on the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS), I was rolling. She did this bit about the "The Michael Jackson" on her "lady parts". It was hilarious! She went on to say that she now has Vitiligo (this could be true or false, who knows with Sheryl). She also says she supports the Vitiligo Association and that Vitiligo sufferers should not allow this condition to affect their self esteem. I loved it! Laughter is indeed the best medicine.

Thank you TJMS and Sheryl Underwood for all you do!

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